On the construction of the spa baths of bad kissingen

Anton schick senior leafs through an old order book. "New construction of the state spa", his grandfather anton schick (1877 – 1949) wrote above the page header in accurate, neat handwriting. The following are the names of the craftsmen who worked for the schick company in 1926 on what was then the largest spa building in europe. For the company, which was only 22 years old at the time, the state construction project in prinzregentenstrabe was a rough order. "My grandfather visited the construction site every morning", tells schick senior. Armed with his notebook, he talked through the tasks at hand, assigned personnel and organized the supply of materials.

Good contact with max littmann

The grandfather came from the spessart region of germany, from humble beginnings. After his training as a master stonemason in wurzburg, he first worked as a construction manager under the well-known kissingen architect carl krampf. In 1904 he founded his own company, acquired references and built up good relations with the rough munich architect max littmann. He, in turn, was happy to call on schick when it came to constructing the regentenbau and the spa building. "These were the most important construction projects for him. He was very proud of it", says schick senior, who has been running the company since 1965 and still supports his son anton schick junior in the management.

The corresponding claims were rejected by the competent 5. Civil chamber off, as the presiding judge stefan puhle said. The shares of the porsche holding company PSE posted strong price gains. VW group CEO martin winterkorn did not want to comment on the decision in the near future. "But i am pleased, of course," he said.

A private investor and a swiss fund company had demanded compensation of 4.7 million euros from PSE and the frankfurt-based maple bank. In the first proceedings, the plaintiff ariel cukierman accused PSE of having misled him with press releases in march 2008 about the true intention of wanting to swallow the much coarser carmaker VW. As a result, he suffered losses because the price of VW’s common stock later rose sharply instead of falling as expected.

gift ideas for mother's day: it doesn't always have to be flowers

A warning beforehand: a new vacuum cleaner or other household appliances are in most cases not the ideal mother's day gift. Because at least on one day you liked to free the all-round talent of cook, chauffeur and nurse from these activities.

Mother's day on 14. May 2017 – what to give?

But what are the best gifts to show your mother how grateful you are to her?? You don't have to spend a lot of money for it, most of the time it's the personalized gifts that give the most joy. We have collected for you a few creative, delicious and also extravagant ideas.

Accident on the A93 in upper franconia: shortly before the unterweibenbach tunnel, an articulated truck crashed into a warning trailer.

Pictures from the scene of the accident on the A93: steel plates scattered on the roadway

At lunchtime on friday, a contingent of firefighters, police and ambulance crews set off for herzogenaurach’s market square. There, someone had apparently locked himself in a cubicle of the public toilet and possibly set fire to it, it first hit.

In any case, the report was that there was a smoldering fire there. Children informed a passerby that thick smoke was coming out of the toilet. Because it could not be ruled out that a human being could have been injured, the rescue service also arrived at the scene of the incident with two vehicles.

Allegations of violence against Bremen police officers

"It’s about the suspicion of bodily harm in office," said police spokesman dirk siemering. The police did not provide any further information on the details of the operation, referring to the ongoing proceedings. Bremen’s police president, lutz muller, said he expected a full investigation into the incident.

The public prosecutor’s office has taken over the investigation and is conducting it together with the internal investigations department of the interior authorities, said public prosecutor claudia kuck. According to the police, they only found out about the video because of the reporting.

Half a century in the air: airbus celebrates its 50th anniversary. Birthday

It was a milestone in the history of european industry: 50 years ago, airbus was born in germany and france. What was laughed at as a nice try in the USA developed into a successful model.

Today, airbus is the only significant manufacturer of large passenger aircraft apart from the U.S. Company boeing. And because its american rival was in a serious crisis after the crash of two jets and the flight ban for the 737 max, airbus was able to become the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer in its anniversary year of all years.

flood of A's at kulmbach's high schools

The outcry after the math abi was enormous – among students and teachers alike who, after a two-year qualification phase in which, due to the pandemic, only distance learning often took place, considered the tasks to be too difficult. "For the good math students it was doable, the others hardly had a chance, emma kufner, who graduated from kulmbach’s caspar-vischer high school, told our newspaper the day after the exam. Teachers hit the same notch.

Better than 2020

The ministry of culture has come under criticism. Many have signed a petition that has found almost 40000 supporters nationwide. Today, after the grades have been announced, it is clear that the vast majority of the 35,000 graduates in bavaria have passed not only math, but the entire abi with flying colors. "After the first feedback from the schools, it appears that the overall average could be slightly better than in previous years. It will probably be between 2.1 and 2.2", announces minister of education michael piazolo (free choice) in response to our inquiry. In german, the average could even be a little better. Even in math – where the range in recent years has been between 2.98 and 3.26 – there has been no drop in performance. The reason for the latter? "Surely also due to the fact that the teachers were looking for points", says linh nguyen, who graduated from MGF high school.

france switzerland: house builder without phone and internet for three months

A quarter of a year kathrin pantle and martin held, jessica kiesant with her life companion dominik, his brother philipp with wife anja malbrich live meanwhile in their new homes and still have no telephone connection and thus no internet. And this despite the fact that this was already requested in february 2018 and is urgently needed professionally by all of the now three families living there. Two days ago, kathrin pantle and martin held received another letter from telekom. As a rule, it only takes a few days for the same letter to reach the other families. Not with the longed-for content that the telephone connection and thus internet are finally switched on, but a standard letter with the note, due to extensive civil engineering works in your connection area everything was delayed. The final date is now mid march. Thereby civil engineering works are no longer necessary. The three couples have had enough. "We wanted telekom to change over immediately and not delay us from month to month", says martin held. He already lived in hiltpoltstein before building the house. To keep the phone number in the new home, he pays monthly fees of 47 euros – without anything working.

Work at home in the evening

The system integrator, however, needs the connection professionally. "My employer works 24 hours a day, seven days a week", explained held that even in the evening work can be necessary. For this he needs internet access.

The art of sound

It was easy for andrea hubner, a music teacher with a degree in elementary music education, to get the elementary school children of the schlossberg elementary school excited about music. Together with teachers karin kuttner and helmut conrady, she started the "wim project" in classes 1 a and 2 a. "Wim" stands for "we make music.
Andrea hubner teaches at the munnerstadt music school, among other places, and will be coming to the two classes on fridays for the next 18 months. The music pedagogue's work is paid for by the nudlinger musikanten, because the goal of an early basic musical education raises their hopes for a successful demand for new talent.

The cornerstones
About the concept of "wim, the program, which was developed at the hammelburg music academy, includes several key elements, including elements of basic musical education, singing and dancing together, instrument presentations and performances of what has been learned in the context of school events. Indirectly, the development of the children's personalities should also be sustainably challenged. Teachers karin kuttner and helmut conrady have already taken part in further training courses at the bavarian music academy in hammelburg.
"We first make music without instruments", andrea hubner declared the first "wim"-hour. Immediately she had the 16 second graders on her side. There was a lot of stomping on the ground, snapping fingers, clicking tongues and clapping hands. Then the kids practiced with great enthusiasm what is called "body percussion" is called: making sounds with your own body. Quick movements are also part of it.