The corresponding claims were rejected by the competent 5. Civil chamber off, as the presiding judge stefan puhle said. The shares of the porsche holding company PSE posted strong price gains. VW group CEO martin winterkorn did not want to comment on the decision in the near future. "But i am pleased, of course," he said.

A private investor and a swiss fund company had demanded compensation of 4.7 million euros from PSE and the frankfurt-based maple bank. In the first proceedings, the plaintiff ariel cukierman accused PSE of having misled him with press releases in march 2008 about the true intention of wanting to swallow the much coarser carmaker VW. As a result, he suffered losses because the price of VW’s common stock later rose sharply instead of falling as expected.

Accident on the A93 in upper franconia: shortly before the unterweibenbach tunnel, an articulated truck crashed into a warning trailer.

Pictures from the scene of the accident on the A93: steel plates scattered on the roadway

At lunchtime on friday, a contingent of firefighters, police and ambulance crews set off for herzogenaurach’s market square. There, someone had apparently locked himself in a cubicle of the public toilet and possibly set fire to it, it first hit.

In any case, the report was that there was a smoldering fire there. Children informed a passerby that thick smoke was coming out of the toilet. Because it could not be ruled out that a human being could have been injured, the rescue service also arrived at the scene of the incident with two vehicles.

Allegations of violence against Bremen police officers

"It’s about the suspicion of bodily harm in office," said police spokesman dirk siemering. The police did not provide any further information on the details of the operation, referring to the ongoing proceedings. Bremen’s police president, lutz muller, said he expected a full investigation into the incident.

The public prosecutor’s office has taken over the investigation and is conducting it together with the internal investigations department of the interior authorities, said public prosecutor claudia kuck. According to the police, they only found out about the video because of the reporting.

Half a century in the air: airbus celebrates its 50th anniversary. Birthday

It was a milestone in the history of european industry: 50 years ago, airbus was born in germany and france. What was laughed at as a nice try in the USA developed into a successful model.

Today, airbus is the only significant manufacturer of large passenger aircraft apart from the U.S. Company boeing. And because its american rival was in a serious crisis after the crash of two jets and the flight ban for the 737 max, airbus was able to become the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer in its anniversary year of all years.

france switzerland: house builder without phone and internet for three months

A quarter of a year kathrin pantle and martin held, jessica kiesant with her life companion dominik, his brother philipp with wife anja malbrich live meanwhile in their new homes and still have no telephone connection and thus no internet. And this despite the fact that this was already requested in february 2018 and is urgently needed professionally by all of the now three families living there. Two days ago, kathrin pantle and martin held received another letter from telekom. As a rule, it only takes a few days for the same letter to reach the other families. Not with the longed-for content that the telephone connection and thus internet are finally switched on, but a standard letter with the note, due to extensive civil engineering works in your connection area everything was delayed. The final date is now mid march. Thereby civil engineering works are no longer necessary. The three couples have had enough. "We wanted telekom to change over immediately and not delay us from month to month", says martin held. He already lived in hiltpoltstein before building the house. To keep the phone number in the new home, he pays monthly fees of 47 euros – without anything working.

Work at home in the evening

The system integrator, however, needs the connection professionally. "My employer works 24 hours a day, seven days a week", explained held that even in the evening work can be necessary. For this he needs internet access.

The stacked black sacks reach almost to the ceiling, and next to them are silver garbage cans from which colorful fabric scraps spill out. Jessica schreiber stands in the middle of it all and looks pleased, because all these scraps of material will not end up in the garbage bin.

For about three years, the 30-year-old has been fighting fashion mull in new york with her company "fabscrap" – and on wednesday (6.2.) the beginning of the spring version of the fashion week in the metropolis of millions is for them every time the main working time.

Hanngorg zimmermann loses georg land as boss in gobweinstein

Joy for hanngorg zimmermann (BMG), who was elected as the new mayor of gobweinstein with a clear result of 53.66 percent, and disappointment for georg lang (CSU), who was voted out of office as mayor with 46.34 percent.

The supporters of hanngorg zimmermann celebrated his election victory with great jubilation in the gasthof zum lowen, because it was their "hanni" had managed. At the CSU, on the other hand, printed mood and unbelievable amazement.

At the end of january, it still sounded as if there was a small chance of averting the worst-case scenario: in the coming weeks, he would work with the board of directors to find a "viable continuation solution" to preserve as many jobs as possible, klaus-christof ehrlicher said. The coburg specialist lawyer was appointed preliminary insolvency administrator after the arbeits- und sozial centrum oberer frankenwald (asco) filed for insolvency with the coburg district court.

What has broken down

Now it is clear: there will be no such solution. "Unfortunately, it is not possible to continue operations after the proceedings have been opened", ehrlicher announced in a press release on friday. The order situation simply does not allow for further employment of the 45 employees. March is the "weakest month in terms of sales, as activities in the gardening and landscaping sector cannot be planned due to weather conditions", declares insolvency administrator ehrlicher.

"My uncle johann beitzinger was the husband of the owner of the schneidmuhle, anna beitzinger. He said that in 1916, when he was on his way from lahm to finkenmuhle, he saw smoke rising from lahm’s kremnitzschneidmuhle on the way back. The muhle burned down to the ground", tells josef beitzinger, who lives in rothenkirchen. Because of the war years from 1914 to 1918 one had not been able to undertake a reconstruction. "My uncle was called up to the front. When he came home from the war, other work was more important", explains the local historian. Since times of inflation had been added, the schneidmuhle remained a ruin. It was not built up anymore.

"After consultation with the landowner michael schneider, the frankenwaldverein and the arbeitskreis fur heimatpflege, i decided to put up a plaque at the former muhle. The plaque is intended to commemorate the small industrial monument in the kremnitz valley", so josef beitzinger. The drawing was made by peter grebner from rothenkirchen. It was designed by trebes design from kehlbach, germany. The modern einodwustung can still be located today. The muhlteich (protection), muhlgraben and foundations are visible.