Still no verdict against drug dealer

Between november 2011 and february 2012, five times 500 grams of hashish are said to have changed hands in the southern district of kronach, each at a selling price of 3500 euros. In addition, the accused, who is of polish origin, is alleged to have sold small quantities of cocaine or hashish on further occasions during the same period.

The man from kersbach, who was represented by lawyer till wagler, has so far made no statements in court. His suspected partner, who is now serving a prison sentence and is also a drug addict like the defendant, had heavily incriminated him at the trial in december 2012. He had cooperated with the police in advance and had given concrete clues about the suspect. A business that the bamberger had "commissioned" the police should do with the accused, but he loves to burst, because he "cold fube" got.

What wolfgang flaschner has been through in the past 29 days is best seen on his hands: calluses and cracked blisters run down all his fingers. Good 10.000 kilometers he covered on his motorcycle, plus the transport of his bike and those of his companions martin scheerer (55) and henning willig (54). However, it was not on well-maintained tarred roads, but through the desert and over gravel: "you drive constantly with absolute high concentration", he reported. And the hands inevitably cramped up. Therefore the blisters.

The trip through central asia had it all: the three adventurers drove at 45 degrees in the deserts of uzbekistan and minus 5 degrees at the kyzyl-art pass on the border to kyrgyzstan, 30 meters below sea level in kazakhstan up to almost 4700 meters at the ak-baytal pass. "The motorcycle might still bring 20 percent of power", reports flaschner. To keep the mixture ratio right in the dark air, the bikers had to keep changing the carburetor jets.

Already in the meeting in october of last year, the municipal council approved the draft regional development program, but rejected the obligation to define priority areas for the construction of wind power plants in the regional plans and was thus also against the designation of priority areas for the construction of such plants in the municipal area of reckendorf.

The municipality is also against the fact that the regional planning associations have been given the opportunity to define priority and reserve areas for free-standing photovoltaic plants without the consent of the municipality.

Discovery tour in the hospital

19 children from the district spent their afternoon in the clinic on tuesday. But not as patients – no, they took part in the first event of the vacation program.
Nurse doris krappmann and secretary pia stohr guided the five- to 15-year-olds through the rooms of the hospital for an hour and a half.
There was a lot to discover: after the funeral, the tour started in the basement. There the children could peek into the rough toilet of the hospital. A chef also took a moment to show the children the huge pots, ladles and whisks that are used every day to cook for the up to 240 patients each day.

Children got to know basement
It went on to the storeroom, where boxes were everywhere. "Everything that is needed in a hospital is stored here. Needles, syringes, patches – we have 5000 items down here", explained johanna fuchs, the store manager, and gave the children a pack of sprayers – without canulas, of course – to take home.
The third station in the basement was the laundry. "Here all used beds are cleaned and freshly made", sister doris said, as she led the children further into the room.
The children were amazed at the dryer and the mangle for the bedclothes because of their enormous coarseness. After that, they marched up the stairs to the first floor. Here the nurse, sebastian tremel, was already waiting for the group with his helpers in the emergency room.
"Who liked to be plastered?", he buried the children. Immediately the first volunteer patients sat on the couch and loved to bandage their arms, head and legs.