Costs will now be calculated according to the new key with retroactive effect until 2008. Mayor reinhard hallhuber pointed out that at the time of the earlier disputes, these measurements, as they have now been carried out, were not yet possible or only at a much higher cost. It has also not yet been decided how the measurements will be carried out in the future.
Councillor elmar hofmann pointed out that with an investment sum of five million euros for the future clear plant lottery already one percent in the distribution conclusion meant about 50,000 euros. "No one knows yet how the cost allocation for the new building will be calculated." each measurement cost the euerdorf residents significantly more, as they are apportioned to the smaller wirmsthal population must.
Bernhard herterich referred to the unsatisfactory situation with regard to wirmsthaler strabe. The pavement has been repaired so many times already. In his opinion, there must be a long-lasting solution. Hallhuber referred to the different nature of the on-site banquettes. These also had to be treated differently. Due to the beacons, the banks of the wirmsthaler berg are now better protected and the speed has also been reduced by the removal of the beacons.

Playground yes, bicycle path no
Hallhuber also informed that the playground equipment at the wirmsthal playground will be completely overhauled. The construction of the cycle path to wirmsthal will not take place this year. For the kindergarten in euerdorf, the cultural foundation of lower franconia donated 3500 euros for the preservation of the listed wall in this area. Hallhuber thanked the hunters for their participation in the vacation program. With 17 children, the offer had been particularly well received.
The design statute for the inner city area was accepted by the council body. Elmar hofmann had previously criticized some passages in which, in his opinion, future builders would be too strongly restricted. For example, with regard to the roofscape or the window grooves, he wanted to allow a broader scope for action. Some of his requests for changes were also included in the new bylaws.
Also, the stipulation that awnings and sunshades not be lower than 2.10 meters above the the new bylaws include a provision that allows for the installation of a burgersteig. "The basic rule for all designs in these architectural contexts is to maintain uniformity and allow for diversity", explained bernd muller from the BMA planning office. Reasonable exceptions and deviations will continue to be possible, emphasized dietmar buchner. The revision had become necessary, among other things, due to new design influences such as solar systems or satellite dishes, he said.
The billboard of the nussmann tax office once again caused discussion in the council, particularly with regard to the design of the town center. With a new building application, the company now wanted to erect an illuminated sign at the bottom of the sparkasse staircase. After weighing numerous aspects, the council body decided by consensus with the applicants to approve the installation of a sign on the lamppost. The static suitability of the mast is to be checked in the process.
Hallhuber informed the council about the construction of a new single-family house in heinrich-weber-strabe. Hofmann emphasized that the family's decision to build here was largely due to the good kindergarten in euerdorf.
The municipality will donate 50 cents per inhabitant to charity again this year. Hofmann pointed out that caritas, as a bad employer, interferes massively in the private life situation of its employees. If someone goes through a divorce, he loses his job there as well. This must change. After all, the donation came from evangelical burghers or atheists. Hallhuber suggested that the total amount of 763 euros should also be donated to the euerdorf old people's home foundation. This proposal was unanimously accepted by the board.

instead of schlachtschussel rather vegan sausages?

Veggie sausages instead of head meat and boiled sausage? If it goes after the animal right organization peta, the organizers of traditional slaughter festivals are to reconsider their concept. "Dead can't be a feast", peta writes in a press release – and has now also approached the TSV harsdorf, which is inviting people to the slaughter festival today.
Peta has offered to donate 500 vegan sausages to the TSV harsdorf, provided that the club changes its slaughter festival into a "veggie-fest renames and renounces to offer meat, sausage and other animal products. "Sausage doesn't have to be made from animals, it says in a press release of peta. With a new, animal-free, purely vegetable-based catering concept, the burgers from harsdorf were able to set a clear signal for a change in values towards more compassion for all animals, because tradition never justifies animal torture.
TSV harsdorf came to peta's attention rather by chance: according to the press office, they research the internet for organizers of slaughter festivals and then contact them. Two or three times a week this is the case. In total, around 100 clubs have been approached as part of the campaign, which has been running since 2015. Up to now admittedly nobody reacted in the sense of peta.
TSV harsdorf is also not interested in peta's offer. Slaughter festivals are a tradition in the region, says manfred zapf, chairman of the association. In the special case of harsdorf, the visitors could have a good conscience. The pigs slaughtered at the festival were fattened on a farm in the community and slaughtered in the next slaughterhouse. No mass animal husbandry and no long, painful animal transports.

At the general meeting of WSV neptun, chairman horst schubert buried the attendees. After a minute's silence for the deceased members of the association of the last year and the ascertainment of the proper invitation, he began with his report after the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. There have been highs and lows, but according to schubert, 2016 can be described as a very positive year for the association overall. In the spring, necessary renovation work was carried out on the site. In the entrance area, for example, the paving was renewed and the sewage pipes and lines were brought up to date. At the beginning of the season it was possible to recruit reliable cleaning staff for the sanitary facilities.
The then host decided to cancel the lease at the end of the season. With norbert heckmann, former host of the boat house in the grove, the board could win a new successor, who reopened the club restaurant with much joy and commitment in november. Beforehand, the pub and its kitchen had been completely renovated and refurbished. The credit granted by the members in the extraordinary general meeting of august 2016 has been invested wisely and profitably for the association in the reconstruction. The club's guesthouse now presents itself in an appealing new design. Also a janitor, who moved into the newly renovated janitor apartment above the inn, could be found.

Thanks to the members

The board member angelina villanello took care of the redesign of the website. The first chairman thanked all the members for their loyalty to the association and their cooperation. As an example, he mentioned a working group of parents who take care of the maintenance of the playground.
For 25-years, 40-years and 50-years loyalty to the association horst schubert congratulated the present members and presented them with prizes.
In the connection from the departments barbl arlt reported for the swimmers, who could show many new association records, the class preservation in the second federal league and many good individual achievements. Renate sorger for the boccia department reported about the high points of the last season and invited to the new one.
Eric baumgartner for the model boat builders showed in a powerpoint presentation, what was going on with the model builders in the last year and could also show a place at the german championships in model building. Stand-up paddlers thomas kehrberger and dima podporin reported on their work last year. With many events such as moonlight tours, sandkirchweihfahrten, a standup polo tournament and many other activities, this department also ensured a large influx in the club. The overall number of members at WSV neptun was again significantly increased. After the report of the treasurer and the cash auditors the board was unanimously discharged by the members.

Loyal trio on the trombone

Since 1928, their motto has been: "praising god is our office!" the holzhausen trombone choir looks back on a long tradition and honored three of its achievers: trombone choir chairman erich habfurter honored willi koch for his 50 years of service to the church. Blaserjubilaum, his son jurgen koch already celebrated his 40th birthday. Anniversary, and thorsten schmidt has been blowing the trombone for a quarter of a century. The awards were presented at a festive service in holzhausen's heilig-kreuz church.

Once a founding member of dorflis

In a short speech, erich habfurter acknowledged the merits of the honorees. Half a century ago, willi koch was among the founding members of the trombone choir in dorflis. Originally trained on the slide trombone by herbert hofmann from gleisenau, he later switched to the tuba, which he still plays with great passion today.
For many years he was active in dorflis in the training of young lasers. 21 years ago he joined the trombone choir in holzhausen and since then has been a reliable and mainstay of the church's festive music.
His son jurgen followed in the footsteps of his father, who trained him on the trumpet 40 years ago. Soon the talented young musician noticed that conducting is also in his blood and gives him a lot of fun and joy. And so he has been active for 23 years as a choir director and blower in holzhausen. It is mainly thanks to his dedication and skills that the holzhausen trombone choir is known and respected far beyond the local area. For more than ten years, jurgen koch has also been wielding the baton as district choir director.
Third congratulated thorsten schmidt. He learned to play the slide trombone 25 years ago from erich habfurter. The chairman took this opportunity to appeal to children, grandchildren and acquaintances to recruit new members. Only enough young brass players, he stressed, guarantee the continued existence of the choir. And this, he said, was the only way to prevent holzhauser kirchenmusik from literally running out of steam one day. 

Hot show in freezing temperatures

From the hospital parking lot it went steeply uphill into the vineyards. A first breather was taken at the european pavilion. Shortly before dark, each of the seven- to eleven-year-olds was able to look for his or her hometown from a bird’s-eye view.
During a game in the forest, the children were allowed to feel like a squirrel, hide food and then find it again. Then it was off to the campfire at the ADAC site. There was children’s punch, bread, baked apples and sausages on the fire to warm up. The mies-bahr family had made the location in front of their nedershaus available to the children. This was also necessary in the icy temperatures. "Our son raphael enthusiastically attends the courses of kapriolen. We also wanted to participate" explained conny mies.
As a surprise came three fire jugglers from "funkensprung" and showed their show. The group has been in existence since 2007. She usually performs at weddings, birthdays and company parties. The performance in minus temperatures and wind was a real challenge.
With burning clubs, ropes and torches the acrobats enchanted their audience. The first act in front of the snowy backdrop immediately captivated the spectators. Dressed all in black with a female-black face mask, stefan fery flashed respect at the children. Sybille wagner danced hula-hup with a burning tire and laid herself limberly on the snow while swinging burning ropes. Especially in threes, the artists created fascinating images from fire circles.
"It was really a great idea to invite the firemen", finn was pleased. The artists of funkensprung were also enthusiastic about the ambience and the idea. "Except for the freezing, but that will pass", as sybille wagner said. Because the fire jugglers were only lightly dressed with their T-shirts. The performance was followed by a torchlight hike through the bright, snowy vineyards back to the parents’ house.

federal and state governments end corona dispute

After weeks of dispute, the federal and state governments have again agreed on a joint basic strategy for further containment of the corona pandemic.

The compromise reached in berlin on wednesday continues to rely in particular on the nationwide continuation of the minimum distance of 1.5 meters, stronger hygiene measures and the wearing of mouth and nose coverings in certain areas. In the event of a positive course of infection, however, it also envisages the return of schools to regular operation by no later than after the summer vacations, and relaxes the ban on coarse events through conceivable exceptions.

olympics as a minimum goal: dfb women full of energy for the world championships

National coach martina voss-tecklenburg recharged her batteries during a family day in her garden at home, captain alexandra popp recharged her batteries during long walks with her dog.

After a weekend off, germany’s women’s soccer team set off for their "tour de france" rested and full of energy. "We’re happy that it’s finally getting underway," said voss-tecklenburg before departing for the world championships in france.

The VW group subsidiary traton, which owns the MAN and scania brands, is calling for a europe-wide scrappage scheme for trucks.

"It won’t tolerate any postponement until the end of the year," said traton boss and VW board member andreas renschler in munich on monday: "something like this has to be done relatively quickly."

By the interaction of experience and diligence of the older ones, energy, curiosity of the youth and the love to the nature it succeeded also in this year in innumerable working hours to further improve the water ground and to keep the sensitive ecological balance with purposeful stocking and removal on a high level. Especially in today's very hectic, hectic and technical time, this hobby represents a healthy, decelerating, nature-loving antipole.

Special focus on youth work

A special focus of the club's management, under the auspices of stefan lieb, was once again not only on club cohesion, but also on youth work. With commitment, patience and many outdoor activities such as night fishing, game fishing, visits to trade fairs or targeted individual training in the various fishing methods, the young anglers were shaped into environmentally aware and knowledgeable anglers by the youth wardens and club professionals. This success, achieved by the club members, is reflected not only in the number of trophies and certificates awarded, but also in the care taken to ensure that the club's members do not lose out
dealing with the flora and fauna of the young members.

In two respects: on the one hand, the split-up settlement of borstig, built after the end of the war, lies within a 1000-meter radius, which means that about 30 hallstadters have to leave the area. Secondly, the partial closures of the a 73 and a 70 will certainly bring a lot of diverted traffic to hallstadt.

Since hallstadt’s mayor markus zirkel (SPD) was informed about the evacuation by bamberg’s mayor andreas stark on wednesday, a small staff has been formed in hallstadt’s town hall to coordinate the on-site evacuations.