It’s set to be the "biggest online protest ever": the climate movement fridays for future wants to demonstrate for more climate protection in many countries in the middle of the corona crisis.

Because of the worldwide pandemic, the actions take place mainly on the internet. "Fight every crisis," many young people have written on signs in recent days – fight every crisis.

What a sound! Together, the two choruses and the st.-georgs blasers of the mother of god with the jointly sung song of mary "O heavenly woman queen". It is the moving conclusion of a wonderful concert full of impressive horerlebnisse. The "sing-with-songs" circle gundelsdorf, the "liederkranz" (choir) haig and the st.-georgs-blaser friesen – they all presented their numerous audience with an entertaining and varied musical experience full of surprises. Variety, encounters and the joy of music – this is how the organ, wind and choir concert on the occasion of the ninth german organ day in steinberg could be summarized. The respective conductors had put together a multifaceted mixture of demanding pieces that impressively underscored the broad repertoire of their sound bodies. In the atmospheric ambience of the historic castle church, they provided their enthusiastic guests with a musical hour to pause for a moment.

"Butterfly arrived brilliantly"

The contributions of the "sing-with-a-song-wreath" were heartwarming gundelsdorf and surroundings, where herbert clerico swings the baton. The singers sang the musical creed "the world is full of wonders" in perfect unison as well as "come, lord, bless us" as well as the evening concert "es ist fruh spat geworden" to. The choir performed the german version of the 1970s hit "butterfly" with great verve. The stucco was then also received brilliantly by the visitors.

Sculptors show works on

An employee of the city's service department drills holes in a concrete base. The pedestal, the "the lovers will bear. A two-meter-high wooden sculpture, part of an exhibition that will enrich the rose garden with a themed walkway.

Steff bauer and soren ernst are the two sculptors who will be exhibiting a good 50 sculptures in bad kissingen. In the rose garden, in the courtyard of the district administration office and in the church of the heart of jesus.

Tips for a winter-proof garden, second part

On 22. 11. 2019 was the first frost on the ground. It is hard to remember when this has happened before. Even last year the dahlias froze just before all saints day. Now the green cabbage and the brussels sprouts have got the frost they need to taste really good. This is also the case with sloes. With a few precautions you can lay the foundation for a thriving garden in the spring.

Store dhalias for the winter

europe-wide scandal: horse meat fraud more gross than known

According to the dutch authorities, the grower has been mislabeling and selling horsemeat for more than two years – also to germany. This was partly uncovered at the beginning of the year, when frozen meals were discovered in several countries that contained horse meat, even though this was not stated. However, during their investigations and flat-covering tests, the dutch inspectors stumbled upon a total of 50,000 tons of meat whose origin is unclear, according to the eu commission.

"The netherlands authorities have confirmed that horse meat was mixed with beef," said consumer protection commissioner tonio borg’s spokesman. The netherlands had uncovered a "comprehensive fraudulent chain".

portrayed people say what they think

What defines us as german? Is it virtues like punctuality or does the passport make us german?? What do we associate with foreign people??

About 45 interested people accepted the invitation of the AWO district association of kitzingen and the georg von vollmar academy to the opening of the photo exhibition "we are the people" in the vinothek in iphofen, in order to deal with these questions, according to an AWO press release.

Afd informs members about its work

Theresa schiffl the local association aischgrund/hochstadt of the alternative fur deutschland (afd) informed its members in the inn friedel on friday about the work in the federal and state parliament.

Rene jentzsch, deputy chairman of the local association, thanked members for their support and votes in last fall's state elections. "We have achieved a very good result." the party is in the fight against the evil. "Namely against the other parties that are destroying germany", said jentzsch.

"A dream" – stand over the open-air with fredi breunig and spilk in schmalwasser. The heimatverein had invited and everything was fine. The sun was shining, the people of schmalwasser and many guests accepted the invitation, even before the performances began everyone was satisfied.

Fredi breunig's statement that a joint performance with the guys from spilk in schmalwasser "A dream" is was already clear in advance.

For the first time, the greens have knocked the union out of first place in a poll for the bundestag elections. In the RTL and n-tv forsa trend barometer, the greens gained 9 percentage points a week after their landslide success in the european elections to land at 27 percent.

CDU and CSU are only just behind with 26 percent (minus 2 compared to the previous week).

Karl-heinz schalk, honorary district fire chief of herzogenaurach, a "firefighter with body and soul", published with the illustrated book "saint florian protect us … Volume 2" another book with magnificent photographs of the patron saint, following on from the previously published volume with the same title from 2010. In the book, schalk goes into the history of st. Florian and traces the path of suffering with pictures of the entrance gate of the basilica in lorch (upper austria).

From bavaria and austria

The main part of the book, with a foreword by pastor helmut hetzel, is made up of magnificent photographs of the patron saint, for example in churches – whether as a statue or an altarpiece -, as a mural, or as a sculpture. Air painting on firehouses, as a fountain figure or in other forms show. Most of the photos were taken in bavaria, but also in austria, the hl's area of operations. Florian.