Here it could become dangerous

At the community council meeting on thursday, second mayor martin rebhan (SPD) announced an important decision from the non-public meeting: the fubganger bridge over the lauter in the area of wassergasse/am brunnen is to be closed for safety reasons. Whether or not a replacement fence will be built will be a topic of discussion in the council at a later date, he said.

Rebhan (SPD) chaired his first municipal council meeting. For immediately after the election of sebastian straubel (CSU) as district administrator, he had to take the seat on the mayor’s chair in the town hall.

Among the planned investments for 2019, which were presented at the meeting, is the area of "municipal ditches, bridges and lighting", for the 1.4 million euro in the budget are adjusted. The budget also includes 498,000 euros for fire protection, 423,000 euros for the secondary school, 410,000 euros for the daycare center and playground, and 363,000 euros for sewage disposal.

The councillors had a number of decisions to make at the meeting. The majority rejected the idea of setting up a ride-sharing bench. 10 000 euro costs are quite a lot despite 50 percent demand, it was said as a reason for rejection. In addition, the committee could not agree on where to place these benches. Since the ride-sharing benches were not to be part of the public bus stops, it seemed extremely difficult to implement them with new collection and boarding points, and there could be obstructions to moving traffic. In addition, ober- und unterlauter are well connected to the opnv by the city bus. On top of that, no desire for alternatives to the opnv had been expressed from the districts of tiefenlauter to rottenbach. Bernd wicklein (uwg) doubted the need and renate kotschenreuther (uwg) brought it to the point: "we do not need them."

A request from about 30 parents whose children go to the klecks daycare center to partially raise the fence was also rejected. At a height of 1.40 meters were just under 6000 euros in costs, the administration had calculated. The parents justified their request by saying that the low height of the fence was a safety risk. In the part of the garden that is not visible and only sporadically supervised, the previous fencing could be easily overcome by both children and unauthorized persons. The councillors saw it differently. Thirdly, the town council unanimously rejected a subsidy for the rodental orchestra school, even though eight students from the lautertal community are currently receiving their musical training there. In the justification for this decision there was talk of a possible unequal treatment of other clubs in terms of childcare and education, and it would also set a precedent.

After preliminary discussion at the january council meeting, the 2019 budget was unanimously approved. It closes with 11.5 million euros. Round 3.8 million euros are to be invested, which will be financed without borrowing, but from the reserves and from the allocation from the administrative budget in the amount of 1.1 million euros, as explained by chamber antje sube. She briefly referred to the high county levy of 1.7 million euros, key allocations of 1.2 million euros, the debt level of around one million euros and emphasized that orderly budget management was ensured and that the expenditures were to be handled carefully. Barbara holzel (CSU) said: "the debt of 280 euros per inhabitant is one of the lowest in the county", and the second mayor stated: "it is not self-evident that a budget goes so quickly over the stage."

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